Where is Dark Whispers?

Thanks to those of you who have reached out to ask about Dark Whispers. I have a tiny fanbase and I appreciate each and every one of you.
So… what’s up?
If you haven’t been following my newsletter, which you absolutely should be, you’d know that last year I made the tough decision to homeschool my son. It’s taken a lot of mental energy so I’m basically down to one writing day a week. I was hoping to have Dark Whispers out in late 2023 but that didn’t happen.
Dark Whispers is the second half of what was originally one book (Dark Mind being the first half), and like it’s predecessor, Dark Whispers touches on series topics, which are always more difficult for me to write. I’m not a perfectionist but I do want to ensure I handle things as well as I can.
That said, here is the timeline for Dark Whispers:
- Finish the current draft (I’m at 130k words)
- Sensitivity reading
- Beta reading
- Editing
- Format and release
- Audiobook
I’m currently working my hardest to get the draft done. If you absolutely can’t wait, you can read the chapters I’ve posted on Patreon. Just keep in mind these are NOT polished, sometimes out of order, and that story elements can change depending on feedback from betas, the sensitivity reader, and my editor. If you’re fine with that, have at it.